Lilies & Carnations
Discover the charm of our Carnation and Lily Bouquet, where the playful ruffles of carnations meet the elegant bloom of lilies. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet blends simplicity with sophistication in a stunning, aromatic arrangement.
Discover the charm of our Carnation and Lily Bouquet, where the playful ruffles of carnations meet the elegant bloom of lilies. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet blends simplicity with sophistication in a stunning, aromatic arrangement.
Discover the charm of our Carnation and Lily Bouquet, where the playful ruffles of carnations meet the elegant bloom of lilies. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet blends simplicity with sophistication in a stunning, aromatic arrangement.
The arrangement pictured is the deluxe - $140. Choosing a different price point will adjust the bouquet size.
If you would like a different color carnation please specify during checkout. If you're open to color suggestions, simply mention "whatever looks best."
Substitution Policy
In the event the flowers received from the wholesalers are not of the quality suitable for your order or the exact flower is no longer available to complete your delivery on time, substitutions could be made. We will make every effort to maintain the overall look and feel of your arrangement while keeping to our high standards of design and quality.